ما بعد العيد الوطني؟

أخشى على البحرين … صدقاً … و ألتمس في مستقبلها المزيد من دماء (القيمة المضافة). في الأشهر الماضيّة – و حين كنت منشغلاً في لندن – ظهرت لدينا في البحرين ظواهر التعصب الفكري … فأنت مخيرٌ اليوم ما بين إثنين، إما أن يطلق عليك (خائن) و الخيانة ليست من شيم أهل البحرين … و إما أن تصبح (طبال) … و العياذ بالله ؟! أي بصريح العبارة … أصبحنا نحن أهل البحرين بروكسي لجماعتي (يسقط حمد)  و (الشعب يريد خليفة بن سلمان) … و أنا لا أقلل من إحترامي لكلا الطرفين … فبعد أن جلست على طاولة و تحاورت مع إخواني في الوطن … أصبحت أعي من أي منطلق تنطلق كل من هذه الجماعات. حتى إني ألتمس لهم الأعذار و المبررات أحياناً من باب لم شمل الوطن … و لكن هل الحل السياسي في البحرين يصرخ (هيهات منا الذلة) بعد أن إختبأ في زاوية مظلمة؟

في رأيي الشخصي  … أرى أن الحل لن يأتي من قبل هذه الجماعات … فحلولهم المطروحة تذكرني بلجام الخيل. و بغض النظر عن وضوح الأهداف … إلا أن الجماعتين لا يمتلكون خطة عمل واضحة … كيف سـ”ـيسقط حمد” ؟ و ما دخل مواكب العزاء في “الشعب يريد خليفة بن سلمان”؟ و في يد أخرى، لا أرى أن الحل في يد أي جماعة كانت … كنا ولا زلنا نسير في إتجاهات معاكسة لا تصب في مصلحة أحد.

إنتظرت أنا و غيري توابع تقرير بسيوني … و ضاعت الفرصة … و لكن سؤالي اليوم و بعد أن أرهقت الأزمة الوطن بمن فيه … هل تقوى البحرين على إضاعة فرصة الإصلاح في العيد الوطني؟  بوادر حل الأزمة ظهرت و أختنقت حالاً بعد أن واجهتها بوادر تثبيتها … هل يحتمل الوطن المزيد من الدماء؟ أي كان مصدرها… هل يحتمل الوطن إضاعة المزيد من الفرص؟! هل الإصلاح (عيبٌ) على عكس ما صرح به الدكتور منصور الجمري؟!

أمنيتي الوحيدة هي أن تجتمع الجماعتين على طاولة واحدة … و أنا لا أتكلم عن ممثليهم “السياسيين” … لماذا لا نمد أيدينا لبعض؟ حاملين لا شيء إلا حب الوطن في قلوبنا… أمنية لن ترى ضوء  الواقع

تعدد الآراء في البحرين … إلى أين؟ بقلم @A7med_BH

خلال حلقة اليوم من البرنامج الذي يعرض على قناة العالم و المخصص للحديث عن البحرين, ارسلت رسالة للموجودين عندي في البلاكبيري “برودكاست” , كانت تحوي انتقادا لصراخ الشايب , مع احترامي له و أقدر جهوده و ما تعرض له و حرقة قلبه.

لكن تلقيت بعض الردود , التي وصلت الى حد السب و الشتم !! , من انت عشان تنتقد ! اذا وصلت الى مستواه او اعلى يحق لك تنتقد ! و لا تتعدى عليه ! و احترم نفسك و باقي الكلام , الخلاصة طلعوني من دين الاسلام .

طبعا هالشي, منتشر بشكل كبير في مجتمنا و بيننا , في الوقت الي نطالب فيه بالديمقراطية و بحقوقنا الي من ضمنها “حرية الرأي” , و نقول ان السلطة تقمع حرية الرأي , في نفس الوقت يطلع لك الكثير – للأسف- من المطالبين بهذه الحقوق , لينهال عليك بالشتم و الصراخ و غيرها بمجرد ان تنتقد أحد شخصيات المعارضة , و نسوا بأن الشخص المنتقد من حقه ان يمارس حقوقه , حتى بانتقاد المعارضين , و ان ليس هناك من هو فوق النقد من كبير او صغير , و ان النقد لو جاء من الطفل الصغير و كان نقدا بناءا يحتوي على فكرة صحيحة يجب تقبله .

ليس هناك من هو فوق النقد , مجرد فكر لو أن أحد هذه الشخصيات وصل لرئاسة الحكومة , و كان رئاسته و حكومته ترتكب بعض الأخطاء هل لأنه فلان لا يمكن لأحد انتقاده ؟!!
و المشكلة ان هذه الشخصيات تتقبل النقد ! مثال بسيط الحقوقي نبيل رجب و حسب ما قال أحد اقربائه : ما عنده مشكلة لو داسوا في جبده بالنقد, و الفكرة في ذلك ان عنده لم يختلط مفهوم الاحترام بالتقديس ! , اي أن البعض تصل عندهم احترام شخصية ما لحد تقديسها , فتصبح ذات مصونة لا تمس ! لا يمكن انتقادها او الحديث عنها ! و ان انتقدت و تكلمت , ترى الف سيف و سيف مسلط عليك !

و شخصيا , التقيت بعدة شخصيات الذين كانوا يرحبون بالانتقاد و يتقبلون الرأي المضاد برحابة صدر !

أما بالنسبة ل ” اذا وصلت الى مستواه او اعلى يحق لك تنتقد !” , ارجعوا لعض البطاقات التعريفية لهذه الشخصيات , فهم لم يصلوا لما وصلوا له بهذا التفكير, فقد كانوا يتابعون من هم اعلى منهم ينتقدون يبحثون يفكرون , و لم ينغلقوا بسياسة التقديس هذه !

الخلاصة, نحن جميعنا نطالب بالديمقراطية و حقوقنا , و لكن يجب علينا تقبل الرأي و الرأي الآخر , لا الكيل بمكيالين , نطالب بحرية الرأي و في الوقت نفسه نقمع حرية الآخرين , لا تقدس الأشخاص و لا تنظر لمن قال و لكن لك قناعاتك التي تبينيها بحهد و تفكير

#BasnaIsha3at #BasnaFetan another #Unitebh?

Bahrain, as we all know by now, has fallen into a ditch … where speaking of unity perhaps comes second to the need of creating a sense of coexistence. Yet, I really have much respect for Bahrainis … we always tend to prove -because of the peaceful/loving nature of our society- that we own big forgiving hearts. Hearts that, no matter what political turbulences hold for the country; are willing to beat as one.

Ever since February the 14th, Bahrainis have been present in masses on social media websites … for some it was a great median for practicing their freedom of speech, others chose to abuse that freedom to instigate hate and hoot for the alienation of a whole sect … yet only a select few found the need to place some sanity in the midst of all this madness, to call for unity.

Such initiatives can be seen at open on twitter … where the hashtag #Unitebh leads the herd in this case … Yet other hashtags have also emerged such as: #BasnaIsha3at which calls upon those who spread malicious “news items” (that are far from true) to simply stop doing so … and #BasnaFetan which calls for an end to all which disrupts national unity … Sadly though, in my honest opinion, these twitter campaigns are merely “Shouting in the dark.”

The call for unity today is far fetched for there are those who have been mutilated during Bahrain’s reminiscence of the dark ages … Losses extended through people’s physical safety, financial stability and there are those who even had to adjust their social circle due to the fear of harassment. What Bahrain really has to go through, is coexistence … we have to learn to live together, and we have to respect that we all hold different values and different political aspirations.  و إِختلافُ الرأيّ لا يُفسِدُ في الودِ قَضِيّة.

Yet something tells me that if we seek social change … we cannot do it merely on twitter. Those hashtags, however very patriotic and well intentioned, hold no real power … no leverage to incept the idea, and are very disconnected from the general public. They are simply words made by and for the “Nido-Generation.” منكم و إليكم و السلام عليكم

I really hope those level-heads who came up with such initiatives would meet up and discuss how to take real action … how to get Bahrain involved … where to seek for funding … who to involve … and what the message is all about … if not – then we are surely not heading anywhere.

Yet, I’m very optimistic … Consider this; a dozen of men who each have lost all body parts but one –where each holds a unique part in the dozen- find working together a necessity rather than a luxury … and a dozen of men who are completely fit choose to live by the “survival of the fittest” … Verily, we as Bahrainis happen to be damaged goods at the moment, so in which example should we find refuge?

At last … I’d love to encourage all to hoot for #unitebh … simply because there are those who are evil in nature … and believe me, those happen to know no sleep … nor show any despair … and will not stop until Bahrain is brought down to blitz.

May love, peace and revolution hit upon our little island. لا شيعية، لا سنية … وحدة وحدة بحرينية 

As I deprive myself from food

Many ask me why I decided to go through with the hunger strike … and if I’m honest I wouldn’t have thought of the idea without Zainab Al Khawajah (@angryarabiya) – who is a real inspiration!! But I joined it for two main reasons:

1. To provide moral support to Zainab, where we would be going through the same thing pretty much.

and more importantly:

2. To demand, in a rather different form, the release of My cousin Dr Khulood Ali Al Sayyad.

 “Dr.Khulood Al-Sayyad a Paediatrician at Salmaniya Hospital (Bahrain) has been detained by the police forces more than a week ago around the 5th of April. She disappeared from Salmaniya hospital following what was told to her was a doctors meeting and it was eventually found out that she is being held for an undisclosed reason.

 She is an ex-student of Sacred Heart School (Bahrain) and studied medicine in Oman. She is a respectful and decent person and she had only recently got married and has a bright life ahead. She does not deserve.”

Source: Free Khulood Al Sayyad 

And as of today, the 16th of April, I am going through the 5th day of Hunger Strike … and I wish not stop until Khulood is released. 

Verily, all I ask those who read this piece is to join the facebook page [the source above] to show support to her family.

May love, Peace, revolution and the evacuation of prisons hit our little island, Bahrain<3

Religion, Politics, and Literature in the Middle East – Dr Reza Aslan

Dr Reza Aslan, “an internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions, is a contributing editor at the Daily Beast (thedailybeast.com).” spoke on March 15 about the interference of Religion and literature in Politics … even though no DIRECT mention of Bahrain was on his list of to-be-discussed issues … I personally believe most-if not all- theories apply to Bahrain.

The video is not short at all … but please go over the first 45 minutes or so (notably the most important part of the video) :

Highlights Paraphrased: Dr Reza Aslan’s views in a nutshell;

  • The Egyptian, Bahraini, Saudi and Yemeni PEOPLE don’t have a problem with Iran, its the governments that do.
  • The only open place in society-free space- in Egypt and in the region is the mosque … so it’s only natural that the only organized opposition is mosque based/religiously based.
  • 95% of Egyptians want religion to play a greater role in their government, yet the Muslim Brotherhood got 1% in a presidential straw poll earlier to the revolution.
  • the hysteria that one hears that Al Qaeda is going to take over these countries … Absurd! they have been left behind just like the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Nobody in Egypt wants a 5th war with israel… All 4 times they got slaughtered “they got their butts handed to them.”
  • Everybody is trying to find out .. who is the leader amongst the opposition? the leader is facebook.
  • These people don’t want an old man to show up and say I am in charge … as soon as Mubarak went down so did Al Baradie.
  • The only way to -sort of- fix society is to get rid of that entire class, get rid of that entire generation (leaders in the pre-revolution era.)
  • There is one thing that Arabs across the border agree on, Iran has been a despicable failure in every way and shape … NOBODY wants to be Iran.
  • its not like Egyptians are looking around and saying “you know what would be great … we should do what Iran does.”
  • Every single economic indicator that lead to the revolutions in the first place is worse in Iran.
  • The impoverished people in these gulf countries -Saudi and Qatar- are really the foreigners that are pretty much enslaved … i.e. Pakistanis, Indians etc. (working class expatriates.)
  • There’s no such thing as objective press in the United States … just doesn’t exist.
  • We’re talking about societies that were always stratified but that stratification have become far more pronounced.
  • Your economic possibilities are inextricably linked to your political access in a place like Egypt.
  • All the wealth, all the property, all the power goes to that very high political elite … that 1% that has managed to hitch it’s wagon.
  • I want a voice… I want a voice because having a political voice will necessarily give me economic power, hence democracy (a misconception in the Arab world.)
  • its a wonderful process that we do by the way, we give you 2 billion dollars in which you buy OUR weapons.

Al Wefaq Vs. the People:

Al Wefaq, in Bahrain, happens to be much like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt … both have been pretty much inspired by religion to somehow force their way into politics … both have initially disregarded the revolution, due to the fact that they had some sort of power and position in the government -even though very limited in nature- and then had to catch up in one way or another. The only difference is, Al Wefaq have actually gotten a firm grip around the people … especially with their moderate approach in portraying the people’s demands.

“But why?” you may ask … well Al Wefaq actually did the smartest move to regain trust … THEY RESIGNED! and if we have to be very honest with ourselves … anyone who abandons their position as a government official forces the people to respect him … Much like Dr Nezar Al Bahrna .. who gained MUCH respect after abandoning his newly appointed position – Heading the ministry of health!

However, and after events seem to flip the table on the opposition, Al Wefaq finds itself in a critical position; a [to be or not to be] situation really … especially after backing up the decision of the worker’s union to put a hold on the strike! and do not be surprised tomorrow if the teacher’s union do much of the same after meeting with the Minister of Education …

Many feel that the strike is the last card that the opposition holds after mass protests were barred … and once that was called off … the PEOPLE of the revolution sent out messages to start a protest on Friday in defiance of the words of Sh Ali Salman … who urged everybody to NOT confront the army … but do people really listen? Are the people really under the reign of Al Wefaq? Does the 7 political societies acknowledge that this is indeed a “facebook revolution?” That people are tired of being deprived of their basic rights … of the right to speak and hold public assemblies

In conclusion, I hope all sides show restraints on Friday … blood spilt will only worsen the issue here

I hope Peace, Love and revolution hits our beloved country, Bahrain.

Iran, Hezbollah, Kuwait and the US: Why Bahrain?

“The following tweets are merely my personal opinions with regards to

Iran, Hezbollah, Kuwait and the US’s intentions with regards to #Bahrain.

1. The first thing we have to establish is that the government does

not necessarily represent the intentions of the people.For example,

even though the majority in the US voted for Obama … many criticize

the vagueness of his administration’s foreign policy

2. That established, we have to give in to the fact that Iran and

Iraq’s protests shows the intentions of the people … not the


3. However, Iran’s statement lately were aimed at buying allegiances

… namely of the protesters of #lulu in #Bahrain. for building the

#lulu monument in Iran subconsciously forces the protesters to pay

respect to the government of Iran.

4. That said … the Iraqi people, not government, named a roundabout

in Nassriyah after #lulu … which forces respect to the Iraqi people.

5. But many wonder, why all of a sudden Shiaa – and lets not run away

from labels – felt the urge to show moral support to the protesters?

Simply because the Peninsula Shield was felt to carry sect “cleansing”

rather than restoring safety in #Bahrain.So by default, any threat of

such nature would draw attention to the larger group outside … where

were those protests before the GCC came?

6. The demands in #Bahrain are political in nature … that said any

allegations of links with any foreign body are juvenile.

7. Yet, foreign bodies -as stated before- may want in on the fruits of

the reforms! That proves nothing of their involvement NOW though.

8. The fruits of the reforms can be governed -in the future- in a way

that foreign bodies do not get to benefit from!

9. Loyalty is indeed a tacky issue here … “are Arabs pushing their

people towards Iran?” in #Bahrain … Yes sadly.

10. Hezbollah DO NOT want to physically intervene -as per Nasrallah-

if they did “Peninsula Shield” would be a big embarrassment to the


11. Nassrallah’s words were purely motivational on a humanitarian

level … equating #Bahrain to #Egypt and #Tunisia … why not?

12. The #Kuwait(i) intervention in #Bahrain has been barred … which

shows that POSITIVE help is not entertained neither allowed. On the

other hand, the “Peninsula Shield” was greeted … to date, they have

killed protesters and removed #lulu .. Negative help?

13. Sh Ali Salman -when asked about Sh Al Madrassi- urged all figures

not to interfere in #Bahrain but to reinforce unity. Yet, to the best

of my knowledge, #Bahrain tv aired a statement by Qardhawi that did

NOT enforce unity at all.To say the least … any radicals are to be

silenced #Bahrain #lulu

14. The US is also not to be left out of this equation … they

actually have the MORE interests in #Bahrain Vs Iran. 5th fleet

stationed in #Bahrain, and possible fears of moving towards the Euro

(perhaps the smartest thing to do now) – US interests, which is easy

to sell to the American public … yet in essence democracy is only

supported if it complies to the safety of US interests

I apologize to all the Arabic illiterate … but here’s an article to

somehow back the last point http://t.co/Zim1bZj [ar]

This video also somehow supports it … even though aired on

Republican Fox News #lol http://youtu.be/hgZ784fBfUM #Bahrain

BBC’s Katty Kay: Obama Doesn’t Want Media To Report Bahrain Rebellion http://j.mp/i9Eyw7via @AddToAny (further evidence?)

16. criminalizing the opposition for delaying demands was also used by

the US (and other bodies) to discredit the movement.This makes it even

easier to label the movement as a malicious one rather than one that

seeks reform -I’ll now post some sources to prove so.

Crackdown Was Only Option, #Bahrain Sunnis Say – NYtimes

http://nyti.ms/eWfMJq – notice the emphasis on division (why not


17. The conditions were very much reasonable … but perhaps I am not

the best at explaining why … the following video shall [(ar) sadly]

The interview of Sh Ali Salman on Al Jazeera – http://bit.ly/fDRXTo

#Bahrain [ar]

Again those were mere opinions based on observations.. I would love to

have constructive arguments (after you watch the last video of course)”